I was talking to someone about writing a rap, and their response was, "oh, sure, why not, everyone can rap." It kills me to hear comments like that. It's the equivalent of saying, "oh, everyone can play the piano, you just hit the keys." It's not as simple as that. There's so much to rap both rhythmically and lyrically that people don't pay attention to. Let's just deal with rhyming. Take the chorus to Eminem's Without Me, for example. Now this looks like a job for me So everybo dy , just follow me Cause we need a little, controver sy Cause it feels so emp ty , without me There was a comment on a reddit thread deriding this chorus for being incredibly rudimentary, rhyming "me" with itself twice. Now, that's true, but it completely misses the big picture. The three "me"'s also rhyme with "everybody," "controversy," and "empty." On top of that, he throws in ...